Myths Gambling

Basic Myths about Gambling

Superstitions are common to millions of people. Even though science has disproved most of them, people continue to believe in “black cats” or the evil eye. Superstitions explain incomprehensible things like great fortune or unexpected defeat. Gambling is no exception. People believe that the intervention of otherworldly forces can easily change the combination “three, seven, ace” to “three seven, queen”. Here are the top 7 common myths that exist in gambling establishments today.

#1 Online casinos are all about scammers. Indeed, the first establishments operating in the early 1990s had a bad reputation. Big winnings happened there once a year, but even this money was not received by a “lucky” person. The situation has now changed. To open an online casino, most companies obtain a license. The virtual establishment will not risk a positive reputation, so it prefers to pay out the winnings, no matter how big they are. The risks remain, but they are minimal, and that is if you contact illegal operators.

#2 You can’t win at an online casino. This is false, as millions of dollars are paid out daily to users of virtual sites. The segment has become so popular that experienced players share strategies and tactics that allow even newcomers to beat the establishment. With a sober mind and a cold calculation it is possible to receive $100-200 payouts from online casinos every day.

#3 There is a lack of integrity among players. This myth is characteristic of online poker. According to a misconception, there are bots sitting at the virtual table that automatically count cards and do not let the user win. No self-respecting casino uses such tricks. Sooner or later they will be found out about them, so the reputation is more expensive.

#4 All games in online casinos are programmed to make the visitor lose. The myth is easily dispelled: the operators provide an archive of combinations that were previously formed by the computer. The likelihood of them being tampered with is nil, as the software is tamper-proof. Many online casinos use real croupiers or dealers. A table of payouts to users is published daily on the official websites of gambling establishments. Independent experts have checked the validity of the data thousands of times, making sure the organizers are even.

Superstitions Believed by Casino Gamblers

#5 Ineffective tactics and strategies. Haphazard actions in online casinos lead to losses. Through a certain algorithm, sober calculation and caution, profit is achieved. On the Internet there are many videos with examples of how to act in a particular game situation.

#6 Beginners are lucky. There is some truth here. However, according to statistics, experienced users are more likely to win. Over the years of gambling, they have developed tactics and stick to the strategy that allows them to stay in the black for a long distance. Everyone has bad days, beginners and professionals alike.

#7 The presence of amulets and talismans is mandatory. No sacred artefact will bring winnings at the online casino. It is achieved through the skillful actions of the user. Certainly, a share of luck is necessary, but the visitor’s personal qualities, such as intelligence, caution and cold-blooded calculation, are important for gaining money.

There are hundreds of myths in the gambling world. Some superstitions are forgotten over time, but new fictions inevitably emerge. It is human nature to attribute luck and bad luck to otherworldly forces. It must be understood that myths have nothing to do with reality.